A New Stance On The Global War For Drugs
South American countries like Colombia, Mexico, and Guatemala, are known for the drug trade. At their instance, the global leaders came together at the United Nations to discuss the ways to fight the drug trade. But they were not able to go far in their approach. Though there was a consensus in investing in rehabilitation, health care, and treatment, but this would do more to end the drug trade than criminalization and prohibition.
While speaking on this Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said that the war has not been won in 40 years, and now there is a need for change since there is no change. The presidents of Guatemala and Mexico along with Santos agreed that the drug war is directed by the terms framed by the United States, and the effects are disastrous in their countries which are considered to the focal point for marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. In a metaphor, Guatemala President Jimmy Morales said that it is the grass that suffers when the elephants fight. He said, referring to the American law enforcement agencies and the drug cartels.
For the last two years, the three countries are striving hard with their allies to chalk out strategies for change. The present approach is mentioned in the international drug accords that were adopted in the year 1960 and 1988. In those days it was seen as an effect, law enforcement means to control drug production and trade according to international leaders. It is seen as a diplomatic red tapism by many countries like Russia, China that call for strict criminalization to fight the drug trade.
The White House is happy with the meeting and was receptive to the ideas presented by the neighbors in fighting the drug trade and production. The Secretary of State John Kerry in his statement mentioned that it is seen as an improvement in understanding more about drug dependency and means to address the substance abuse as a public health issue than criminalization challenges.
It is also mentioned that the role of United States is immense in designing the new drug policies. The US is in an indefensible position to violate the current treaties as the four states have been legalized to sell recreational marijuana. Meanwhile, the other countries are designing their ways. For instance, the Canadian government announced that a bill will be introduced in spring to decriminalize marijuana sales.
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